July 7, 2020

Enron Scandal


Ethics deals with values, morals and the overall individual personality as appropriate in any given society. Various ethical theories have provided rules entrenched in systems and principles which offer guidance and making key decisions on rating what is good or bad and right or wrong. Ethical theories have provided basis for guidance and understanding on what is good and bad in any given scenario and the understanding of what is morally upright to be referred as human in nature.Continue Reading

Music of 1920s versus 1970s


The 1920s witnessed the dominance of popular music commonly known as pop music with the industry facing threats from technological advancements such as growth of radio and electrical recording. The invention of radio offered free music which needed no expensive musical instruments and musical skills required for creating personal music at home, or incurring expenses to play on the gramophone. Continue Reading

Blockchain security

The security of Blockchain enabled applications


Blockchain technologies is a digital ledger that is used for implementation of the distributed central repository, and it does not have a central authority. It provides the ability for the users to record their transaction in a ledger which is a public record for the community. Continue Reading

Mobile App Analytics

Mobile App analytics


As the word continues to witness growth in digital marketing trends, the ancient rules no longer apply to mobile, however, the call for analytics is as critical as ever. Let website trends set your business to the correct path to successful optimization and quality management. Mobile applications was the first none website platform integrated into the Google Analytics suite as a top class citizen; it was however, a solution to the change towards smart devices such as tablets and phones witnessed over the past four years. Continue Reading


HACCP in the food industry


HACCP is standard that has been adopted across the world in food industries and is the foundation for federal food inspection within the United States. The practical prevention based is founded on science. The body focuses on control and prevention of food safety threats which are normally in three categories namely physical, biological and chemical hazards.Continue Reading


Operational Security Metrics


Securing an organization against cyber-attacks has become a priority for most organizations over the past decade. The world has witnessed a hype with regard to aspects of cybersecurity transforming into an alarming reality, a situation that government and corporate entities seem helpless to mitigate against.Continue Reading


Data Models possible for MongoDB


MongoDB is basically an open-source database tailored in consideration to agility and scalability. As opposed to storing data in table columns and rows as done in relational databases, MongoDB rather uses JSON similar documents that have dynamic schemas. Data modeling in MongoDB is quite similar to what happens in relationalContinue Reading

How to stay calm when stressed


The study of the structure of the human brain as well as its functioning have been great research topics over the past decade. Many specialists and researchers have undertaken a lot of studies on the aspect of controlling the brain functions via conscious efforts. Stress is a critical causative issue,Continue Reading