However, much that emotions and motivations directly relates to the learning experiences, less studies have been conducted in the area. Motivations and emotions to a larger degree affect all learning and teaching processes, hence getting to know the emotional and motivation attachment to school performances is vital.  It is obvious for students to experience several emotions within their academic lives which affect their behavior views. Academic emotions relate directly to the motivation of students and learning strategies and achievements academically.

In explaining the relationship of motivation and emotions to academic achievements, perhaps it is important to first differentiate between the two, Emotions are quite distinct from motivation in the essence that it does not necessarily require an objective orientation attached to it. Emotions come up due to the interaction between environmental stimuli views and the responses of hormones to these views.

 Emotions can thus impact on student’s academic achievements as well as engagement, interest and development personally; furthermore, it also affects the classroom environments within academic institutions. Today’s students are basically the leaders and workers of the future. The qualities depicted by good students go along way in determining their future careers and future. The term student has been defined as anybody who learns something new, though at some point it refers to college, school or university going persons. This article attempts to define a good student by attempting to relate motivation and emotions to academic achievement.

 Good students need to be motivated. Education is in itself a motivation in that when one travels or hears sad stories from other parts of the world and considering one lucky to have that chance to obtain proper education. Good students ought to always remember this when they feel distracted or not wanting to attend classes. Also looking at successful persons in the society who have succeeded through education is a sufficient factor to keep students struggling in education.

Good students also require confidence which requires them to feel and enjoy the fact that they are improving themselves. Good students ought to prevent themselves from forced studying as they shall feel that learning ought to be a daily task thus discouraging them from books. Teachers also have to create some form of relationship with their students creating an environment that easily allows student to have confidence.

Good emotional experiences help so much in academic achievements with a direct effect on academics success. Hope, joy and pride emotions by students directly reflect good academic performance by students with regard to efforts self efficacy and general performances. Lack of hope, anxiety and boredom drives students into negative academic achievements. The ultimate effect of motivation with regard to academic excellence depends on several other factors such as learning strategies, emotions, cognitive resources and motivation and that the interactions of these factors and task lead to a positive emotions effect.

 The impact of motivation is thus complex and emotions need to support learning styles and the student learning intrinsic motivation. Emotions also has some impact on aspects of motivation in that, students with good emotions have reasonable beliefs of confidence and intelligence. These students also have a better perception on the impact of their view of themselves as able in academic fields and having great objectives in education. Student’s emotions also indicate on academic performances while the goals of students on achievements also indicate on emotions.

 Motivation also to some extent impacts on the student cognitive processes affecting what students listen to and how they effectively process that information impacting on their academic achievements. For instance, students who are motivated put much effort to really understand classroom teachings and draw some meaningful conclusions reflecting it to their individual lives.

Motivation also betters the persistence and initiation to classroom activities. Students are more prone to tasks that they really feel like. There is also a high chance to keep on working on it up to completion regardless of whether or not they are occasionally interrupted. Generally motivation betters the time spent by students on assignments, which is vital in academic achievements. Motivation also contributes to better energy and effort. The level of energy and effort put by students within their activities directly correlates with their objectives and needs. It ascertains whether or not they stick to tasks wholeheartedly or the reverse.

Motivation often directly betters academic performance in that due to the energy and effort, cognitive processing and behavior, motivation always contributes to better performances academically. Students who always get motivated to learn and perform well in their subjects seem to be the best achievers. On the other hand, students who always have poor interests within academic achievements are vulnerable to poor performances or giving up before completion of their courses.

Good emotions also have huge impact on motivation rather than negative emotions. The impact of emotions on educational performances relies largely on motivation, good emotions impact on good performances when they are streamlined motivation and regulated learning hence not sufficient enough to bring about good academic performances since it also relies on motivation.

It is hard to distinguish between overall motivation, emotions and academic achievements. Emotions distinctively interact with them all and directly interrelate with academic achievements. The emotions of students directly link with their learning processes, achievements and academic works which basically result in academic emotions. By adopting academic emotions, it implies adopting student’s experiences within academic institutions and going beyond the success and failure emotions by integrating emotions that relate to the teaching and learning processes and interaction between cognition, emotions and motivation.

Student’s emotions mostly revolve around their actions and beliefs forming a major portion of the interpersonal processes which establish classroom settings, thus the need to relate motivation with emotions as similar aspects within the social learning process.  Results indicated that emotions that were positive impacted positively on motivation while emotions that were negative also affected motivation negatively. Motivation also positively affected academic achievements with motivation contributing the biggest impact as compared to other learning facets.

Results also indicate that the positive emotions impact on academic performance evaluates best the responsibility of positive emotions. Emotions that were positive impacted generally on academic achievements, owing to the indirect avenues via motivation. It simply means that students who always felt positive emotions with regard to their studies were not guaranteed to excellence academically because motivation was also necessary.
