Republican Party
  • Republican Party and the people of the United States of America went to the polls on Early November 2020.
  • The Election results clearly suggests that Former Vice President and Democratic Party Candidate Joe Biden is well ahead to becoming the next President of the United States.
  • Joe Biden was won the popular Vote by approximately 4.3% as well as 290 electoral college votes versus Trump’s 214.

Nevertheless, despite the unanimous decision by Americans to fire Donald Trump and World Leaders congratulating President Elect Joe Biden. Trump and some Congressional Republicans are clearly in a bid to subvert the will of the people. President Trump’s legal team, initiated legal suits against votes counting only in states that he seemed to lose way before counting was completed. Trump’s has said more than once, that he is going to fight the election results in courts. But a week after the elections, Trump and his team are yet to find enough evidence to substantiate the Voter Fraud claims.

A Republican candidate in California Errol Webber, lost his race for congress by 72 points. He has refused to concede and instead claims that he is going to the LA County Registrars office to audit the vote counting process. Another Republican candidate Kimberly Klacik in Maryland lost by 40 points and has also refused to concede, clinging into Trump’s assertions that the Election was stolen.

It must be remembered that in 2016, when then Democratic Candidate Hillary Clinton lost to Trump by smaller margins in Pennsylvania, Michigan and Wisconsin, and she conceded to Donald Trump just a day after Elections.

The Republican Party as since began an endeavor to cultivate a narrative of Voter Fraud in the hope that with time more Americans might believe them and perhaps tolerate their abuse of a Democratic process and remain President even after not winning the Elections. America through History has been one of the most respected democracies in the World, some Presidents in the past have lost by thinner margins in the past, but by trusting the process and respect to the American people as well as putting the Interests of America first, they conceded defeat just when election results began showing indications on who the winner is.

A number of Congressional Republicans have so far not shown any indications of not sticking with President Trump’s delusional assault on Democracy. Even endorsing the President’s decision to refuse to begin the transition. The secretary of state when asked if they will be a smooth transition of power to President Elect Joe Biden, He Replied “There will be a smooth transition to a second Trump administration”.

It is even weirder that Congressional Republicans elected in the areas where Trump alleges there was Voter Fraud, have already congratulated the electorate for trusting them with another term. It makes no sense that a person who got elected in what they believe was an unfair process, does not the integrity of denouncing their seats and fighting for whatever they believe will be a fair process. It is obvious that the allegations by the Republican party that there was Voter Fraud are allegations of convenience and only meant for states where President Trump lost to Joe Biden.

The biggest questions that arise, is what these unsubstantiated delusional claims does for the Republican Party in future elections, as well as the viability of public institutions in America to meet crisis. What happen to patriotism and allegiance to the country first before political parties? The American Justice system needs to put their fit down and refuse to be used to circumvent democratic processes for personal interests.
