
Facebook has been hitting the headlines since 2007, it has previously focused itself in Social chatrooms including Facebook itself, WhatsApp and Instagram. As competitors around the technology space began diversifying, Facebook also built Libra a global payment system founded on cryptocurrency as a way of providing competition to Bitcoin which so far is the market leader in cryptocurrency.

Facebook also recently announced a fiber spinning robot that will leverage power lines to provide internet to areas currently not being covered. Of course, this would really make sense not only for Facebook but to other stakeholders as well. If bigger geographical areas get access to internet, chances are high that the number of users registering to social chatrooms will increase, this will significantly increase potential product or service consumers that are targeted by advertisements on Facebook and other channels, it will also significantly increase the number of people placing up paid adverts on Facebook which means revenue to Facebook.

The robot basically rests on power lines raised above the ground and may require partnerships with power distribution companies. The robot would gradually coat power lines with fiber glass as it makes its way forward. The aim of this innovation is to provide affordable internet service basing on existing infrastructure as well as providing a convenient way to reach areas never covered before.

Nevertheless, there are far too many challenges that might make it difficult to actualize this technology. To begin with, in most areas across Europe, the best practice of distributing power is through Underground Electrical cables, this simply means that raised electric cables are being faced out something that poses a challenge to how the technology will be rolled out.

Second, costs of maintenance might just be too high, power distributors occasionally are called out to replace, reconnect broken power lines, any such issues with connection will also affect the fiber glass already rolled out, for those who have installed fiber cables before, they understand that is cumbersome to join any broken ends.

Given that Yogeeswaran modeled the idea from his experiences in Uganda, He probably failed to note that a bigger geographical area still does not have access to Electricity despite the country exporting Electricity to Kenya. Political goodwill, has always been a challenge to Electricity connectivity, where perceived opposition areas are deprived off development as a way of forcing them to support government for development, Bombyx will probably be limited by these challenge as well,