March 19, 2018

Mango Tree



Step 1: Get some ripe mangoes because the seed within the husk should be mature enough to grow into a healthy plant. Step 2: Cut away the Mango’s flesh to expose the seed husk inside. Seed sowing can be done across the year, though June to September is the most idealContinue Reading

Progress of liberty, equality and power in the US


The journey to liberty, equality and power in the United States after the Civil war to the present gives a succinct understanding of the progress which the US has underwent from the older simple State to the current industrialized and powerful nation. This perception not only aids in understanding theContinue Reading



Step 1: Take a medium size container 4-5 inches deep and drill some holes on the sides for drainage. To start the seed germination, use a mix of 50% organic compost and 50% sandy soil. You can also use Loam soil to start the seeds. Step 2: Moisten the soil mix withContinue Reading

The clash of civilization


The clash of civilization is a theory that people’s religious and cultural identities will be the main course of conflict during the post-cold war. Huntington states that future wars would be conflict not between nations but between cultures and that religious extremism would be the main threat to the globalContinue Reading

Socially Engaged Buddhism


Engaged Buddhism often referred to as socially engaged Buddhism is a movement under the Buddhist religion. This was founded by Zen monk Thich Hanh a Vietnamese around the 20th century. The basis of Engaged Buddhism is applying the teachings from Buddhism in a more social or activist manner. Engaged BuddhismContinue Reading

The Comedy of Errors


I watched the Comedy of errors by William Shakespeare on April 14th at the P2 Black box theater. The play is about the harsh bad relationships between cities and what their citizens go through at the hands of the other. This situation is made worse when the victim Egeon feelsContinue Reading

His Girl Friday


The film starts in the Chicago Morning Post newsroom where Hildy Johnson believes that she wants a way out of the reporting clamor, she needs a normal life. Nevertheless her Ex-husband who is also the big city newspaper editor seems to have other plans.  Warmly charming and beautifully brilliant, theContinue Reading

How positive psychology affects a college athlete


Positive psychology is an outcome of the desire to scientifically explore positive aspects of human life. The positive psychology theory has come a long way over years and with research it has unearthed building blocks of well-being and happiness. For instance, Martin Seligman found out that the degree to whichContinue Reading

American presidential six year term proposal


The proposal to have a one six year term for American presidents and no eligibility for re-election could never have come at a better time than this, going by recent historical happenings, it is clear that the past four presidents of the United States have had trouble in their secondContinue Reading

The social network

The social network-How our lives are affected


The social network has the potential to bring us closer to the online community, Share happiness memories, photos of all kinds, support cross-border communication, help to establish and maintain friendship and community management. However, it is obvious that we will link us with the power of social media, but areContinue Reading

Project Management

Project management: A case study of TELUS.


Introduction TELUS communication is a Canadian based company that provides several communication products as well as services across Canada. As such the company carries out several small scale and large scale projects within Canada. A project by definition is a temporary effort to establish a unique product or service andContinue Reading

Religious Identity and Globalization: Furthering Challenges


Since God has set the rules and has made them difficult to challenge, religion provides answers to questions concerning self-identity.[46] However, in providing such answers, religion also institutes a notion of “truth,” which implies an automatic exclusion of the one—called an “abject”—who does not adhere to such “truth.” In timesContinue Reading