March 2018 (Page 2)

Using average control chart to monitor turnaround time in a clinical laboratory.


The constant development of healthcare systems calls for understanding process variation. It is detrimental to eradicate extraneous process variation using all possible avenues, while uplifting adequately defined metric closer to their target values. Common instances of vital healthcare variables involve waiting times, lab turnaround times, medication errors, response times ofContinue Reading

Exploration of oil and gas impacts to the environment.


The issue is that during seismic exploration, agricultural activities like silage preparation could easily shred the wired flags used for survey stakes mapping out of the exploration areas. This metal bits could affect animal life if consumed from the silage. Furthermore, if animals consume flags or ribbons from stakes andContinue Reading

Risa 3D

RISA 3D structural engineering softw


RISA-3D is a structural engineering software that stands out in the field due to its ease of use. Risa software  is tailored for daily structural engineering use. Risa software  is user friendly with great capabilities making the software a powerful tool for optimization and analysis within different types of structuresContinue Reading